The Jesuits in Timor-Leste: Companions in Mission

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Casa de Produção Audiovisual (CPA)

The Jesuit social media apostolate in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste is slowly moving forward sixteen years after it gained its independence. Despite the various challenges that the country is facing, it nevertheless over these years has expressed and manifested its desire to be a better country where its people can all enjoy the benefit of the hard-fought independence by translating the idea of development into something more tangible. Nevertheless, despite these efforts the country is still facing many internal challenges to make a sustainable development and lasting peace a reality enjoyed by all.

Casa de Produção Audiovisual (CPA) is the social media apostolate of the Society of Jesus in Timor-Leste. It was established in 2002 by the late Fr. Ruedi Hofmann, SJ. The primary aim was to pursue audio-visual medium of storytelling as it was crucial at the time when Timor was still reeling from a prolonged cycle of violence, conflict and poverty. At present, CPA is producing documentary videos to bring the voice of the voiceless into the development process. CPA intends to be the voice for the voiceless by recording and disseminating their stories in solution-focused documentaries. It aims to increase their visibility through its productions and advocate their concerns together with civil society groups, community leaders, youth groups, and policy makers.