The Jesuits in Timor-Leste: Companions in Mission

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Jesuit Social Services Timor-Leste: The Joy of Service

Since the conception of Jesuit Social Service – Timor Leste (JSS) in 2013 it has engaged itself in many different projects. Ten years later, in 2023, JSS ventures into various programs such as Water and Sanitation Program (WASH), JSS’ health, Food Security Program, Social Innovation Program, Good Relief Program, Montserrat Retreat and Seminar Center, and Agricultural Program.

JSS’ Water and Sanitation Program (WASH) program aims to alleviate poor access to water and sanitation through community-based infrastructure projects. In Water Projects, Communities of 20 or more households will be organized to implement a water infrastructure project by either using deep-well pumping or spring-water channeling techniques. Cost sharing will be the scheme for the whole undertaking: manual labor from the beneficiary community, skilled labor contracted or outsourced, equipment and overhead from the project fund. More than 20 sub villages and communities in 5 different districts (Dili, Ermera, Liquiça Ainaro and Suai) are benefitting from JSS’ Water Projects.

While For Sanitation program, JSS provides one sanitation facility for every household by using either the traditional one-septic hole system or two-septic receptor alternating system. Since 2022 JSS have offered only 15 units of toilets to 15 rural families. Few families too are now having access to proper sanitation. Toilets were constructed and offered to families so that they could live a more healthy lives. In 2023 another eleven location of water projects and 15 units of toilets will be provided to different communities. These projects have generated remarkable transformations in the lives of rural communities. Now, many of our beneficiaries have a better hygienic experience, enjoy better water facility, improved agricultural products and shoulder less burden. Children and women need not wake up early to fetch water for their daily needs.

JSS’ health project in Railaco has reached to more people in rural areas through the service of Fr Bong Abad-Santos, S.J. Centro de Saúde Daniel Ornelas (CSDO) in Kasait provides free health treatment to rural communities. This objective of JSS’ health project is to develop public health interventions in the rural areas where there is poor access to health care. It also intends to bring appropriate health services to the communities with poor access to health care. The interventions are be based on the health profile of the community and the existing infrastructures for health services such as clinics, infirmaries, and health centers. Interventions may range from capacity strengthening for government health workers, laboratory support for diagnostics, pharmacy, education campaign on health, or either a fully operational health clinic or a tele-health service using remote doctors attending to local patients.

In 2022 JSS initiated Food Security Program. The main objective of the project is to support and empower community members to lead the implementation of projects aimed at improving agricultural development and food security. Based on their community consultations, JSS has identified four priority interventions: 1). Capacity building through training and information sessions on agriculture and nutrition, and exchange programs with other communities. 2). Reforestation through tree planting. 3). Strengthening of existing school gardening programs. 4). Identifying and protecting water sources located within the communities.

Another important mission of JSS is to empower the poor through Social Innovation Program. The purpose is to train and mentor youth groups particularly the school drop outs, women and individuals to become social innovators. By using business solutions to social issues, we aim to empower the youth to become agents of change through a variety of innovative projects that will not just improve the living condition of the communities where they belong but also to impart values formation and foster communal action. Since 2022, JSS in collaboration with the UNICEF and the Ministry of Justice has extended this mission to Becora Prison in Dili established Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) plan includes any support that prisoners will receive to protect or promote their mental health and psychosocial wellbeing. Other than this program, vocational skills and English Language course are also taught to the prisoners. The purpose of these program is to create and support a safe place to help the juveniles feel confident and able to learn from their past, present, and future circumstances, to produce a better future for them and their communities.

Approximately more than six thousand people, especialy school children and some underprivileged families, have greatly benefitted from JSS’ good Relief Program. Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020, JSS has been providing basic needs to people both in the Capital of Dili and especially to rural villagers. For the past two and half years, the distribution of different materials and food items has benefitted around 6000 people, especially the primary schools students in the remote areas. The purpose of the relief operation is to provide food and goods to communities in need of immediate and basic necessities such as food, clothes, shoes, raincoats, school materials for primary students, and other.

Beside all social activities, JSS is closely engaged in environmental issues. Montserrat (one of Jesuit’s properties in Timor) was once barren and dried land is gradually shielded by thousands of green trees. Agricultural activities in Dare and Hera are progressively thriving. JSS’ agricultural program aims to secure an adequate food supply that is affordable for all through innovative agricultural development programs suitable to each community in the rural areas.

10 years after the transformation from JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service) to JSS-TL (Jesuit Social Service of Timor-Leste continues to closely accompany and respond to the needs rural community in Timor-Leste. Motivated by its motto the Joy of Service, we continue to serve others with joy, despite the fact that we too in many ways are still in need. The fact that JSS’ mission continues to survive till today is because the generous and kind supports from many different partners, collaborators, staff, donors, friends specifically the pioneers of JSS, Mr. Isidouro and Fr. Erik John, SJ, the architects and transformers of JRS to JSS in Timor-Leste. On behalf of all beneficiaries and the team of JSS, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you for sharing your resources with those who are in need.

Júlio Sousa, SJ
The executive director of Jesuit Social Service – Timor-Leste


Water and Sanitation Program

Health Project

Public health interventions in rural areas

Food Security Program

Improving agricultural development and food security

Social Innovation Program

Train and mentor youth groups particularly the school drop outs, women and individuals to become social innovators

Relief Program

Distribution of relief goods to communities in need of immediate and basic necessities