The Jesuits in Timor-Leste: Companions in Mission

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The Jesuits in Timor-Leste rely on the generous support of our friends, benefactors and collaborators to carry out our work in the service of faith and promotion of justice.  We thank you for your generosity and remember you in our prayers.

Many of our projects are still in particular need of your support.  These include the education project in Kasait, the Railaco mission, and the community projects initiated by Jesuit Social Service for villages, youth, women and fisherfolk. etc.

Donations by cheque should be made out to “COMPANHIA de JESUS Regiao Independente de Timor Leste” and posted to

Residencia Santo Inacio de Loyola
Taibesi, Cinarate, Dili
P.O. Box 209, Dili, Timor Leste

Please indicate if you wish your donation to be used for a particular work or project.

If you wish to donate by bank transfer or wish to know more about a particular project, please email:

By being friends with our neighbours in Timor Leste, we become equals. We are not the givers and they the takers. We can sit together in conversation and connection, often with nothing more than a wink, a smile, a knowing look. We can inspire each other as friends do, help each other as friends do, love each other as friends do. We are challenged to move the discourse away from ‘helping’ to ‘empowering’, from ‘feeding’ to ‘eating’, from ‘teaching’ to ‘sharing knowledge’ , from ‘watching’ to ‘noticing’. We can then find common ground where our hearts beat to the same rhythm, just like it does in motherhood, dance, song and smiles – all of which are universal experiences. – Lynda Slavinskis