After moving from the ‘time of solitude’ in Novitiate Manresa, Lahane, we entered into a race in Instituto São João de Brito (ISJB), Kassait, to finish our studies.
In December before Christmas, the five of us were sent out to do our apostolic service: Felix and Novario to Railaco and Danilo, Eugenio, and myself to Suai. Our stay was for ten days from December 23rd, 2024, until January 3rd, 2025.
We went to Suai by bus on the 23rd of December in the morning. The whole time in Suai, we accompanied Amu Phuong wherever he went, helped him in his Masses in chapels by giving communion, and secured his other needs.
I felt extremely consoled and felt at home when Amu Phuong welcomed us when we arrived. The workers, the cook, and the people there were very kind, generous, and hospitable. They oftentimes offered their authentic smiles and joys on their faces. Some of them invited us to visit their house and talk with them for some time. At night, Amu Phuong said to us, “Here you can do whatever you want; you can visit your friends when there is free time; you can go around Suai; and you can go wherever you want.” I felt interior freedom and great responsibility in his words. Living with Amu Phuong, I truly felt that there was a sense of fatherhood in him; there was a formator; there was a brother; there was a companion who supported, reminded, cared for, and loved us.
What was remarkable and precious to me when staying in Suai was the faith of Amu Phuong. He is the man who is grounded in the Lord. It was not about being alone; it was more about living and being. His presence taught me a lot. Moreover, living alone is not easy for all the Jesuits. I sensed that he struggles, yet there is joy in the Lord. From Monday to Friday, he says two Masses, and from Saturday to Sunday, he says three Masses. It does not count another word that he does. He once told us while having dinner, “Do believe that God is real, concrete in our lives, and He can do and provide everything.” These did not remain as words; he showed it with his life. The residence is open to everyone, and he befriends everyone.

Before going back to Taibessi, I spoke to Amu Phuong personally: “Amu, thanks a lot for accommodating us here, for your hospitality and generosity.” Then he said to me, “No worries, frater; this is our home, and I just stay and guard it.” This touched my heart most as a young Jesuit scholastic. The implication and reflection for me is that Amu Phuong is a free person; he holds nothing, and he showed me his detachment, interior freedom, and indifference within himself and in the mission; he surrenders totally himself to God’s divine providence.
My hope and prayer for the mission and people in Suai is that as Jesus says: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Furthermore, I pray that the mission of the Jesuits in Suai may grow and expand more according to God’s will because there is a great need. Lastly, I pray that the Lord may use Amu Phuong as His instrument to console and bring people closer to Him.
By: Sch. Efrizidio Amon Alves Correia SJ