Reaching Their Dreams

“Go Forth and Set the World on Fire” is the theme chosen by the pioneering batch of Colegio de Santo Inacio de Loiola for their momentous graduation day, on the 22nd of December 2018, Saturday. The ceremony started with a thanksgiving mass presided by Fr. Joaquim Sarmento, SJ, to give thanks for the grace and spirit of accompaniment that God bestowed onto the students from the day they started their education at CSIL until this very day of Graduation. It is also a thanksgiving mass for the efforts of all the educators, parents, staffs, superiors, and everyone that contributed to the success of these students today and in the future.

The spirit and efforts of the students make them more inventive in looking for ways to find some financial support for their graduation ceremony. On the 12th of December 2018, the students organized The Loiola Concert to raise some fund by selling concert tickets to other schools and whoever interested in watching the live musical event.